Organizing my life is not always so easy, BUT it is a MUST! See what I did to help in this challenging area of my life!

So here we are, a new year upon us and it is up to each and every one of us to make this one the BEST ever!!
It doesn’t matter where you find yourself at this time, YOU have the power within yourself to make it the most successful, most memorable year yet!

It is true that any successful person has to have a plan in place. When you have a ton of things to accomplish, it helps to have a system in place to keep it all compiled in manageable bites. It also helps to get your dreams and goals down so you can make them come to fruition. I was so thrilled to have found Leonie Dawson!

She has been motivating Women for years now, and i fell in love with her enthusiasm and bright spirit instantly 🙂
I watched her video and signed up for her free e-book. I was hooked & wanted more!

Now to address the “Organization” need, I saw she had a workbook to help me with this. I was excited to get it, and found that it is in a pdf format to download instantly! I purchased the one for my business. She also has one for your life as well. It is illustrated with her whimsical pictures and wonderful uplifting words. It is like a great friend guiding me along to map out my year for success. Check it out here.

It is only $9.95 and you get a TON of info to get you organized! It starts out with the closing of 2013 before diving into 2014.

I used the back of a stack of scrap paper to print mine out on. I used a 1 inch binder, with my own personalized cover, to put it all together!

I used pictures of what means the most to me and what inspires me! You can see a picture of my 2 loves, my Husband & my dear little one♥ Sunflowers, soaps, birds….. Make YOURS whatever speaks to you so you are excited each day you check in and get re-focused!

Now in closing I would like to share with you some quotes that have stuck with me over the years!
They are ones to keep in the fore front of your mind to keep your motivation engine going!

♦What you dream about & think about you bring about.

~This one helped change my life! I was determined to make it possible to be a Work-at-Home-Mom and get OUT of the corporate world. Even though I was not supported by all of the people in my life at the time, I persisted with my own dream and made it a reality! I started by attending & becoming a member of my town’s Saturday Market. I woke up at 6am each Saturday from Late May till early September, organized my items and hand placed each item just so after putting up my tent & tables. Everyone has to start SOMEWHERE, you just have to get it in your mind to START!

♦Every moment is another chance to turn it all around!

~I remind myself of this DAILY! YOU have the power within you to make positive changes in your life. It does not matter where you come from, where you are, how much money you make………YOU ultimately have the power to make the changes in your life to make your dreams come true. EVERY choice you make is either in support of your dream, or not. Make sure you remember this in each moment you spend in your life. Here is a picture of me with my daughter, too little to walk, strapped to my front with a baby carrier. I needed to harvest my Wild Nettles for my tea I make, so I strapped her on and went to picking! Never has she ever been an “excuse” to not do what I needed to do to reach my goal. Time waits for no one, so do it NOW!

♦For every 10 “no’s” there is 1 “yes”.

~When you start your dream, there will inevitably be a large percentage of people in your life who are not on board with you. It is natural to want to have a support system with your friends & family, I wanted this too. I was so very lucky to have my Best friend Naomi on board with me:) She was one of my supporters through it all. This is a picture of us just 5 days after the birth of my baby girl. She came over to help me with my orders & take care of me while I recouped. I hope you find YOUR “Naomi” who loves you for you & helps support you on your path!
The choices I made were for ME, not them. It is MY dream, not anyone else’s. Always know in your heart that you are supported, whether you have found your “peron/group” or not yet. Seek out the groups who are in line with what you are trying to accomplish in your life. There are actually a LOT of people in the world who are on a similar path as you.

Now go out and be the best YOU that you can be and get your plan in place so you can share your gift with the world! I want to hear about it!!