A New Baby Bee on the way and NEW products for Expecting Mamas!

5 month belly pic

I have been waiting to announce to you all about our NEW Arrival coming September 15th! So here it is officially, we are expecting our 2nd child in September. Here is a picture of me earlier in the month, 5 months along!

Most of you know about my journey through my business and the reason why I started my business in the first place…….to be a Work-At-Home-Mom! It was my plan BEFORE I had my daughter to not be away from home. It was SOO important to me that I prepared years in advance so I was ready. More on that story soon!

Now it is a different road I will be taking. My business is more established than before and I have a 5 year old who I am also homeschooling, running my business, running a household…… Somehow I believe it will all come together and work out! It just has to, there is no other option!!

I am doing my best to get prepared for my time off with the baby when HE arrives! Yes, we are having a BOY!! So excited 🙂

So there will be some time where I will be putting my shop on vacation and orders will be on hold for a while. I predict a few weeks as I am bringing in some helpers to make the transition as smooth as possible. One thing that has been on my mind is that I need to share with you all the products I have been using since I have been pregnant!

There are only a few essential oils that are safe for expectant Mamas. I of course use my own products I make and some are not fit for use during pregnancy. So I have re-formulated some of my daily favorites to accommodate my new needs!

♦Organic Hair Rinse> I have replaced the Rosemary & Rosewood with Ylang-Ylang & Lavender Essential Oil. Still good for Brunettes!

lavender pic

♦Organic Hair Gel>I have replaced the Rosemary with Ylang-Ylang, and have kept the Lavender Essential Oil.


♦For muscle aches>I have been using Organic Ginger Lemon Lotion. It is safe during the 2nd & 3rd Trimester, but should be avoided during the 1st Trimester due to the strong circulation action of the Ginger Essential Oil.

Great for muscle aches and safe for expectant Mamas during the 2nd & 3rd Trimester!

Great for muscle aches and safe for expectant Mamas during the 2nd & 3rd Trimester!

I chose Lavender for its healing properties and gentle scent! Safe for expectant Mamas and children, it is one of the safest essential oils available!

I also chose Ylang-Ylang as it is safe for expectant Mamas plus these other benefits! It helps to lift moods, plus using ylang ylang essential oil as a hair treatment will promote the growth of hair and reduce hair loss.

I am packaging these 3 favorites plus a small bar of my Organic Jasmine Soap for shampooing into a special “Expectant Mama Beauty Set”!


You can find it in my Etsy shop, or on my website! Ordering from my website will save you on your favorites EVERY TIME!


Do you know someone who is expecting that would benefit from my new products? Do you have a favorite product that YOU would like to see reformulated for Expectant Mamas?

Leave your comments below! I love to hear from my readers!



Wild Nettles and why you should be friends!

So Spring is FINALLY here in the Pacific Northwest! I am BURSTING with excitement to finally get to be outside more! And….. I am also thrilled to find my Wild Nettles coming back!!!!!

Have you heard of Stinging Nettles Urtica dioica before? They are a deep forest green plant that grows EVERYWHERE in the fields and back country here in Western Washington. Known as the Spring Tonic, Stinging Nettle is one of my favorite Wild Edibles!

Here is a pic of my jars steeping with the Nettle tops I picked just an hour ago!

It is known as an everyday nourisher, an energetic changer, kidney/adrenal ally, digestive restorative, hair & skin nourisher, and one of the highest natural non-animal Iron sources at 7%! Wild Nettle is also high in calcium, magnesium and chlorophyll. Each special property is even MORE of a reason to incorporate it into your life!

Since my love for Wild Nettles has grown since I first moved to Washington state 8 years ago, so has my knowledge. When you live around them, see them through the entire life cycle, a sprout to a dried plant in the fall, you get to know the plant and its energies. I have tried to harness these energies to make them available in a consumable form, my Wild Nettle Tea, as well as my Organic Rosemary & Nettle Hair Rinse!

“Wild Nettle Tea?” you are thinking. Yes, tea! It is good to make up a quart each night before bed and keep it in the refridgerator. Put 2 teabags, or 1 teapot bag into a quart jar. Fill up to the top with boiling water. Put on a lid, and store in the refridgerator until the morning. You can drink it all in the morning, OR sip it throughout the day. It reminds me, taste wise, kind of like spinach. Which brings up another point that it CAN replace spinach in recipes!! This is mostly achieved from fresh Nettles, so feasible if they grow around your area 🙂

And for the hair, it is a downright MUST!! It helps balance overly oily hair, check falling hair, encourage strength and ease itchy scalps! I have steeped the Wild Nettles with Organic Rosemary in this Organic Hair Rinse. I have been using it since my first jar of infusion was made over 1 year ago. My hair is stronger, my scalp no longer itches, and it is growing in thicker where I once had some thinning spots! So amazing! It is available here.

Are YOU interested in learning more about herbs? Check out the recommended books below! I learned a lot from Susan Weed’s Wise Women Herbal Healing Wise.

So would YOU like to try some Wild Nettle Tea for yourself? Would YOU like to see if the hair rinse will work for you? Comment below how Wild Nettles could help you and get in the drawing for a FREE 6 pk of Wild Nettle Tea AND an 4oz Organic Rosemary/Wild Nettle Hair Rinse!! Don’t forget to put in your email address so I know how to contact you if you win!

**Winner pays shipping.Open Worldwide.Drawing to be held Monday April 1st.You have 24hours to claim your prize, if not, another winner will be chosen.Please list your email address, even if it is with the “@” sign spelled out.**