Now introducing my new Honey Bee Holistics Wellness Series! Part 1: Your skin is what you……….EAT!

Honey Bee Holistics Wellness Series is now underway! I have been receiving a lot of questions pertaining to the health of the skin, how to heal it with herbs, and what products would be best for it. I do have my recommendations based on skin type, and needs, but it is a touchy subject when other information is presented that may be seen as a judgement.
I always keep in mind what could possibly help other than an Organic Lotion I provide. The lotion is a good preventative and healing soother, but often times there is something else going on that is causing it in the first place. If I am able to share what I have learned with my customers, then they would take a closer look at how they can help themselves through health of the body! Part 1: Your skin is what you……….EAT!

This concept is fairly new to me as I have always thought of my skin as something that can be healed with a cream or herb. It was not until July 2013 that I was forced to take a closer look at my health through the “eyes” of my skin!

We planned a big 4th of July party which our friends were coming over with their families and camping out near the river for the weekend. Three whole days of fun. I looked forward to it, as we usually do not get visitors since we are approx 1 hr from the nearest major highway! I have become accustomed to the drive it takes to get anywhere, but others are not since they live in the cities.

So the morning of June 30th, I woke up with what appeared to be little blisters on my face! I was completely perplexed as I occasionally would have a pimple, but not little blisters around my mouth, nose and eyes. As anyone who knows me, I am a “do-it-yourself” kind of gal! If it can be healed, I will figure it out. I save my visits to the Dr. for stitches and major surgery. Even then, our family Dr. is Doctor of Naturopathy, which is right up my alley of recommending herbs to heal, not jumping to write a prescription for each ailment. Writing a script is the LAST resort for a Naturopathic Dr. as I have found in my experience.

So just a few days to get it cleared up and I would be ready for the party. My body & skin said otherwise! I tried some topical applications of Calendula, which had worked before, but not this time. The blisters persisted. I was horrified. It was awful trying to go anywhere with these blisters all over my face that resembled zits, but they weren’t!
Good thing I am remotely adept with makeup, so I was able to cover them up a little, but this seemed to make them worse.
I cried a little. I am being upfront with you, I did cry. How could this be happening? I definitely needed a different approach. Crying does not solve anything, so back to work figuring it out.

I started searching pictures on Google for eczema, then blistering eczema. I found one that looked like what I was suffering from here.


The more pictures I looked at the more it hurt my heart to know of SO MANY people suffering from this! I was not alone, yet I needed to share what I did to heal myself so I can help others!

One of the most common suggestions I kept reading was going on an elimination diet. Eliminate what? Well the common triggers are: Dairy, Caffeine, Wheat, Gluten, Eggs, Soy, Sugar. I pretty much ate all of those things, so I needed to start with eliminating 2 at a time for a few weeks to see if it helped. If it didn’t help, then 2 more until I figured it out. Once it was starting to heal, then I could slowly re-incorporate some of them to see if it triggered a reaction.

I started out eliminating my coffee and chocolate habit! I LOVE both of them dearly, but was going to get this going as soon as I could. It started to work, a little. I was reminded by my Grandmother that she had recently been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I do know that this is possibly hereditary, so I may be suffering and not know it. So I thought it could not hurt to try. So on my next shopping trip I purchased some popular Gluten Free alternatives for my regular items: bread, pasta, crackers, flours

I also started Oil Pulling. If you have not heard of this, read here with information on how it detoxifies the body to allow complete healing from what ails you!

I would do it every morning after brushing my teeth with my homemade toothpaste (recipe available upon request), every afternoon before lunch, and each night before bed after brushing my teeth. It took about 3 months before I started seeing my blisters subside, and my face returning to normal! I then SLOWLY re-incorporated dairy once a week, coffee 3 times /week. I completely eliminated Gluten for good, as my belly had not felt this good EVER!! I was no longer boaty after eating, and I have dropped to this day 15lbs without any vigorous workouts needed! My jeans fit better, and I feel more energetic and ALIVE!!

The 4th of July party went off well, even though I was in the middle of my healing. I am now wiser to what effects me and how to help myself! Of course these suggestions and steps I took are not for everyone, but it is worth giving a try for 2-3 months to see if it helps you!! What is a few months in your ENTIRE life anyway but a drop in the bucket?

YOU are worth living your healthiest and liveliest life ever!! Keep in mind that lotions only help the outside reaction and do not heal the ROOT cause of your skin condition. Look deeper to heal yourself without the need for harmful medications. I do understand that some medications are necessary in life for some, but the option to heal yourself with food is in your control!!

Check out my FAVORITE Gluten Free cookbook here by Danielle Walker. She experienced drastic symptoms that she was told she was going to have to live with her whole life. She healed herself with food! She is a wonderful wiz in the kitchen with Gluten/Grain Free foods and I have made SOO many of them with great success!

Do you know someone who could benefit from this information? Share this post with them!

PLUS, go HERE to sign up for my Newsletter to get the inside scoop in all of my newest products and unadvertised specials!!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone experienced with herbs and essential oils look at your overall health and situation and suggest products and lifestyle recommendations that fit into your life?

This question came up when I was helping a customer find a product that would work best with her. I have found from experience that the “product” itself does not “cure” the ailment, it merely “assists” the body to heal itself! The concentration on providing your body with the tools it needs to do so is not done with one product alone. It is achieved when ALL of the aspects of the body are addressed including but not limited to: environment, stress levels, supplements, foods, products used. There is not a SINGLE cure for everyone. Each one of us possesses a unique DNA structure that is solely our own, so with this in mind, How can one product be suited for everyone?

In truth, it is not. Some of the products I make are the EXACT item that the particular customer who purchased it needed. Sometimes it is not. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone experienced with herbs and essential oils look at your overall health and situation and suggest products and lifestyle recommendations that fit into your life?

I have been practicing herbal applications in my own life for over 8 years now. Over this time I have worked with Organic Essential Oils, Organic Herbs and also Wild Crafted herbs that grow in the Pacific Northwest. I am NOT formerly certified in Herbalisim, or any Medical Practice. It is of UTMOST importance that the disclaimer be read before any assumptions are made. I have seen the applications of the herbs work wonders in my life. My skin, hair, and overall health has been improved with the use of Herbs and Oils. I have also changed my diet and the foods I eat DRAMATICALLY over the course of these 8 years. A lot of the frustrations I have had with my body have been solved when I addressed the foods I was putting INTO it.
It is my gift to the world to share my acquired knowledge of these helpful plants & essences in the form of a consultation. Each individual has specific vibrations that are often blocked by the foods we eat, the products we use, and the mindset we have when using them. I have found in my own life, that the products I use to help alleviate my particular situation in my health, are only PART of the puzzle. The body is a wonderous machine that is equipped with the ability to repair itself. The Customized products, herbal recommendations and herbal oils are merely the missing catalyst your body needs to do what it already knows how to do!

Here is a picture of my Herb starts in the greenhouse!

So here are the details and information you have been waiting for on

What exactly is a Consultation?

It all begins with a Preliminary Evaluation. This provides you with a Wellness Questionnaire that you fill out prior to your initial evaluation & recommendations.

After I receive your questionnaire back, I will then evaluate the situation present with you & establish a course of action to attain your optimum well being!

Often times this path to wellness through herbs and their essential oils is not immediately shown. It takes at least 2 weeks minimum for your body to adjust and begin to heal itself through the assistance of the recommendations and custom products.

§Wellness Consultation is a thorough examination of your particular situation including the consideration of changes to your: supplements, teas, and dietary needs. This will provide you with a concise path to start your journey to wellness!§
It includes:
♦An assessment of your current needs with recommendations that meet the needs of the ailments you are concerned with.
♦Two follow up emails with products that I recommend and/or customize for your individual needs. Please note: The product purchase is not included in this consultation. There will be a custom order specially designed for YOU! You WILL receive 15% off of your customized product purchase with the purchase of this consultation! For your personal constitution and needs, I customize the use of aromatherapy oils, home remedies, and healing applications through my Customized Handmade Products. These allow you the access to the tools to help return you to health!
♦It also includes recommended reading materials, links, and detailed information on what is best for YOU! You are welcome to voice any concerns at this time as well as explore any of our customized product options.
♦It also offers personalized guidance in maintaining a fulfilling life and recommendations for specific practices in diet, lifestyle and self-care. The consultation will also include suggestions for therapeutic herbs to help support your journey back to balance. The herbs are a “medicine“ for your body, but they are digested like food.
The herbs are not like drugs or vitamins that manipulate our body’s natural processes and mask the imbalances. They are simply HELPING your body do what it already knows how to do!

!!!Before ANY consultation is started, a signed confirmation of the Disclaimer/Liability Form is REQUIRED. This will be sent out once payment of the Consultation is made!!

The Introductory Price of a WELLNESS CONSULTATION is $35.

The product purchase is not included in this consultation. There will be a custom order specially designed for YOU! You will receive 15% off of your customized product purchase with the purchase of this consultation!

Please review the following disclaimer when considering purchasing a consultation for yourself!
**Disclaimer/Release of Liability:**
I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. I do not claim to cure any cause, condition or disease. I do not provide medical aid or nutrition for the purpose of health or disease and claim to be a doctor or dietitian.
The information contained in your evaluation is merely the opinion of a laymen individual. The research and information covered in this consultation/evaluation is open to public domain for discussion and in no way breaches or breaks the boundaries of the law in any state of the the United States of America where I live. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to have any formal medical background. I am not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any emotional or physical problems that may occur directly or indirectly from applying my suggestions.
I am in direct ability and use of conversation under following articles.
(9) A person who does not hold himself out to be a dietitian or nutritionist when that person furnishes nutrition information on food, food materials, or dietary supplements. This Article does not prohibit that person from making explanations to customers about foods or food products in connection with the marketing and distribution of these products.
(10) An herbalist or other person who does not hold himself out to be a dietitian or nutritionist when the person furnishes non fraudulent specific nutritional information and counseling about the reported or historical use of herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates, sugars, enzymes, food concentrates, or other foods. (1991, c. 668, s. 1; 1995, c. 509, s. 135.2(s).)

Again, you are not being consulted by a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian. If you wish to do so, please contact a board certified person in your state.

All information is generalized, presented for informational purposes only, not medical advice, and presented “as is” without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Readers are cautioned not to rely on this information as medical advice and to consult a qualified physician or practitioner. ****************************

Now that all of the pertinent disclaimers are presented, I present to YOU a chance to WIN a Consultation for FREE!!

☼☼PLEASE comment below with your NAME & EMAIL, plus WHY you feel this personalized consultation would assist you in becoming a healthier you?☼☼

**NOTE:A WINNER will be chosen Monday 2/10/2014. If for some reason you are unable to comment, please try accessing the blog from another browser. Firefox has proven the most successful in reaching the verification screen for commenting. ONLY comments on the post will be considered in the drawing held. The consultation MUST be redeemed before 02/28/2014, or will be forfeited.

****DRAWING CLOSED********

WINNER of the WELLNESS CONSULTATION is Shawna Ligate – I will be in contact with you Shawna in a few days with the Questions to start your Initial Consultation!

Frankincense: More than just a resin. It is a healing serum for all skin types!

When I first heard of Frankincense, I remember at Christmas time it being told of the Wise Men bringing the Baby Jesus, Frankincense and Myrrh. At the time when I was little, I did not really understand what it was. So fast forward to when I began to read my first Aromatherapy Book called, A Complete Guide to Understanding & Using Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health & Beauty by Roberta Wilson!

I learned that Frankincense has always been associated with spirituality, which I believe is the reasoning for it being a gift the Wise Men brought to Baby Jesus! Both the Egyptians and Hebrews spent fortunes through out its existence to import this very valuable oil. It has healing effects that are associated with many parts of the body, especially the skin! The Egyptians found this to be true when they noticed the effects of the frankincense oil on their embalmed bodies. They thought, If it is great for preserving a dead corpse, what would it do for a living persons skin?

This small, shrubby, extremely hardy Frankincense tree is covered in bark that possesses a milky white juice. When it comes in comtact with air, it solidifies into an amber orange colored resin. Then the resin is taken and steam distilled to result in a clear, pale yellow oil. SOME oils, as stated in my previous post here, are extracted by soaking on solvents then boiling away until the solvent is evaporated. NOT good for ANY type of application, which is why I ONLY purchase Steam-Distilled, Organic Frankincense Essential Oil. This tree is native in the middle East, as well as to China, Iran, Lebanon and Oman. It grows wild in Africa too!


It is still one of my favorite books! As you see I need to get it rebound:) I actually found mine at a Goodwill store. I will spend time looking through all of the books they have available on cooking and herbs. ESPECIALLY if you are out of town visiting a new city or town, stop by their Thrift Store, as not EVERYONE is interested in the same topics, which is a WIN WIN!!

As I perused through the pages, with all of the ideas and possibilities contained within, I came to Frankincense. I USED to suffer from pimples! EEEK! They would come out of nowhere, overnight really. I knew it had to do with stress, and the foods I ate, as well as the environment I lived in and the products I used on it. In comes Frankincense, a.k.a Boswellia Carterii. I started incorporating it into my facial moisturizer that I used every morning & evening. It only took approximately 1 week to start to see improvements!! I did make a special blend using Organic Jojoba & Organic Grapeseed Oils since the Organic Olive Oil was too heavy for my oily skin. It worked wonders!!

Many of my customers have had the pleasure of finding this out for themselves with the products I make with this miracle oil! It is restorative, and regenerating actions are very useful for dry, mature and sensitive skin types. With this information, my Organic Frankincense Lotion was conceived!

When I combined this amazing oil with Organic Rose Essential oil, it has made a most restorative lotion that has helped many customers of mine!

Here is some feedback I received on my Organic Frankincense Lotion!

Lovely scent, and wonderful creamy consistency, a delightful treat for my dry skin!

Fabulous organic lotion, just love the frankincense in it, high quality product.

This is the best lotion i have ever used! It works fantastic on dry sensitive skin! My boyfriend and I use it daily and haven’t stopped using it since we first got it! Thanks for all the fabulous natural products you make!

I have made this with Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil which is beneficial to dry, sensitive skin types. It helps improve skin tone and texture. Its benefits on aging skin are exemplified due to its abilities to encourage new cell growth! Out with the old & in with the new 🙂

Ironically enough, it is also beneficial to Oily/Acne Prone skin as well! Normally you would not find an oil to have BOTH properties available that address more than one skin type, but you do with Frankincense!

It has anti-inflammatory & antiseptic properties that help to heal and reduce acne, pimples and warts! With this in mind, I have made some custom products for my customers that are formulated with carrier oils such as Organic Jojoba and Organic Grapeseed Oil which are more easily absorbed by oily skin. It is similar to my Organic Marshmallow Honey Face Lotion, but fortified with Organic Frankincense Essential oil!

Did you know I make custom products? I can make one for you as well! Just send me an email for a custom item request and I would be happy to help!

COMMENT below to tell me how Frankincense can help YOU to be entered to WIN a jar of your OWN Organic Frankincense Lotion!!

Please don’t forget to put your email address in so I know how to contact you!

************************DRAWING CLOSED***********************
WINNER of the 1 1/2oz jar of Organic Frankincense Lotion is ONEILA!!
Congrats ONEILA! Contact me for your prize!